Get Outta the House!

Taking the Common Core standards outside.

Opportunity Roundup

Opportunity Roundup

Family obligations that include caring for elderly relatives have left me with little time to blog lately, but my mailboxes have continued to fill with opportunities for outdoor and alternative education. Hopefully, many families with young children were able to spend some time outdoors this past Thanksgiving season. REI, the outdoor gear store, closes its […]

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Victory Gardens: Teaching History Outside

Victory Gardens: Teaching History Outside

Years ago, when my school gardeners needed a theme, my mom introduced me to “victory gardens,” community or family gardens grown during WWI and WWII to increase food production. Much of the commercially processed food needed to be shipped overseas to military personnel fighting those wars and to European civilians going hungry. People here at […]

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Summer Reading Lists for Teachers on Vacation

Summer Reading Lists for Teachers on Vacation

By now most teachers are in the midst of their summer vacations, getting doctor’s appointments done, taking family vacations, and catching up on their summer reading. Over the past few months, I have attended several professional development workshops, participated in a writing conference, and volunteered at a Scholastic Books warehouse sale, collecting book recommendations along […]

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Plan to Visit Glacier NP Sooner Rather Than Later

Plan to Visit Glacier NP Sooner Rather Than Later

Last summer some Montana news reports predicted Glacier National Park’s dwindling glacier supply could disappear as early as next year. The U.S. Geological Survey’s  Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center (NOROCK) places the 26 remaining glaciers’ demise somewhere between the years 2030 and 2080, or within most of our children or grandchildren’s lifetime. The article, “Retreat […]

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